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chief marketing officer中文是什么意思

用"chief marketing officer"造句"chief marketing officer"怎么读"chief marketing officer" in a sentence


  • 首席市场官
  • 行销长


  • Prior to joining google , he was chief marketing officer and a member of the management board at t - mobile
    在加入google之前,他在t - mobile担任过行销总监,而且是管理委员会的成员。
  • During his 19 years at sun he also served as general manager of sun s operating platform group , as well as chief marketing officer
  • He previously served as chief marketing officer at macromedia from 2002 to 2003 responsible for the " experience matters " positioning and strategic agenda
    2002到2003年,他在macromedia任营销总监,负责“体验攸关” experience matters的定位及战略日程。
  • Similarly , us companies are more likely to have chief marketing officers , chief human resource officers , chief competitive officers and chief learning officers
    类似的,美国企业以后更有可能出现“首席营销官” 、 “首席人力资源官” 、 “首席竞争官”以及“首席学习官”等新职位。
  • As a chief marketing officer ( cmo ) , responsible for the restructuring of value chain to build up a strong brand name and become a niche market player through a series of distinctive competence
  • " that ' s really a wake - up call for employers , " said stuart itkin , chief marketing officer at kronos inc . , workforce consultants which commissioned the " working in america : what employees want " survey released recently
  • " ten years is a very long time , " said larry light , global chief marketing officer at mcdonald s , the world s largest fast food chain . " the world changes more than once in 10 years . i don t anticipate that we ll be making 10 - year deals in the future with anybody .
    “ 10年是一段很长的时间” ,麦当劳全球首席营销官拉里莱特表示, “不过如今的世界正在飞速发展,所以再次签署一份为期10年的合约几乎是不可能的事情了” 。
用"chief marketing officer"造句  


A chief marketing officer (CMO) is a corporate executive responsible for marketing activities in an organization. Most often the position reports to the chief executive officer.
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